Aldo, we know you’re from Molise…but who is Aldo Vicenzo in Canada?

“Thank you Giacomo for reaching out to me. I am a business man who is involved in real estate in both Montreal, and Miami. I am also the owner of Osteria MKT, which is an authentic Italian restaurant, where I can enjoy my passion for Italian gastronomy. As a philanthropist, I am the governor of the ‘Fondazione Comunita Italo-Canadese’ in Montreal, a foundation who gives back to many various organizations, as well as many personal donations to foundations that devote themselves to research advances in the medical field”.

How did you come in contact with the world of Campobasso Football Club?

“Recently, I was watching a morning television show based in the US, and I was intrigued to hear that they were discussing Campobasso, the Campobasso people, and the Campobasso 1919 football club. When I heard it, it gave me a sense of pride for the people of Campobasso, since I am from Molise. I immediately wanted to see how I could contribute to this venture. I reached out to Matt Rizetta, from the North Sixth Group, and we spent over an hour discussing our enthusiasm for the Club. Our shared enthusiasm, and us both having built our companies from the ground up, we instantly hit it off. Matt was not only enthusiastic about the Campobasso club, but also for it’s future, and where he saw it going, and that got me excited as well”.

In Canada, Aldo Vicenzo got busy, building one of the giants in the construction field: Avicor Construcion Inc. Can you briefly tell us what Avicor does?

“Avicor Construction Inc was started in 1992 from my kitchen and has evolved to being of the biggest interior commercial contractors in Montreal and Canada. We’ve done major projects in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Ottawa and Vancouver. Today, as CEO of Avicor Construction, I am proud to say that we have built a solid team with respectable clients”.

From this year Avicor will give its name to the Selvapiana Stadium, the home of wolves and Molise. What prompted you to embrace this project?

“Throughout my discussions with Matt Rizetta, one of his suggestions in regards to this venture, was to give a corporate identity to the stadium, which I found very appealing. In doing this, I wanted to encourage my fellow Molisani, knowing that I am also one of them. I was honored to achieve this partnership with Matt and am looking forward to even more interesting endeavors with him in the future. I would like to congratulate the Campo Basso team and staff for advancing to the next level in ‘Seria D’, and to congratulate all the Molisani who support the team, and I send them all un grande abbraccio!”.

When will we see you in Molise?

“Should my schedule permit, I should be in Campobasso sometime in August, and I look forward to meeting the management, the team, and the fans. I am also looking forward to the next exciting football season”.
